What Instruments are Used to Detect Radiation?

The Geiger-Mueller (GM) detector is a popular choice for a general study of laboratory radioactive materials. It is capable of detecting alpha, beta and gamma radiation. In nuclear medicine, radiation detection instruments are used to determine the presence, type, intensity and energy of radiation emitted by radionuclides. These instruments typically consist of gas-filled detectors and scintillation detectors with associated electronics. The main mobile instrument used to identify radiation in the environment is the gamma radiation detector.

Gamma radiation is part of the normal background radiation of the environment, but some places have higher levels due to natural causes or human activities. These activities can increase ambient radiation through the concentration of natural materials or as a result of an accident at a nuclear installation. The second major type of detectors used in radiation detection instruments are scintillation detectors. With the miniaturization of computers, it is increasingly possible to use mobile instruments to detect and measure radiation. When it comes to radiation detection instruments, there are three types of detectors that are most often used, depending on the specific needs of the device.

Isaac Delpozo
Isaac Delpozo

Unapologetic social media scholar. Amateur zombie trailblazer. Subtly charming tea specialist. Evil beer guru. Friendly travel fan. Devoted social media scholar.